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Virtual Blended Training (New!)

The AHVNTI now offers Virtual Blended trainings for some of our pre-selected Instructor-Led training modules. These are available only for Home Visiting Professionals who provide services inside the state of Arkansas. Trainings are pre-scheduled and pre-enrollment approval is required.

Contact Felicia Loring loringfeliciar@uams.edu at the AHVN Training Institute for more information and to request a virtual training for your staff!

Looking for Instructor-Led Face-to-face training? Click here to view the list of instructor-led training modules.

Looking for our FREE Online Training? Click here to view the list of online training modules. These online training modules are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

See the gallery below to view our current catalog of Virtual Blended Trainings. Click here to see our already scheduled upcoming offerings!

As of November 2021, all Virtual Blended Trainings are offered using our AHVNTI Thinkific Learning Website.  If you are signed up for a virtual blended training, the course will appear on your student dashboard.  Click on this link to log into Thinkific: https://ahvnti.thinkific.com/

As always- feel free to contact the AHVNTI staff to assist you with locating your virtual blended training records. 📧 homevisitingti@uams.edu