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  3. Working with Diverse Families: Parents with Intellectual Disability and Other Cognitive Limitations (MOD040)

Working with Diverse Families: Parents with Intellectual Disability and Other Cognitive Limitations (MOD040)

Length: 1.5 hours
ETO: Dynamics of Family Relationships

Research suggests that the number of people with intellectual disabilities who have children is increasing. Intellectual disabilities do not always cause parenting difficulties, but it may impact an individual’s capacity to parent a child effectively without assistance. This training will provide Home Visitors with knowledge, skills, and resources to optimize their services for families where the caregivers face additional challenges due to these types of disabilities. MOD040



By the end of this training Home Visitors will be able to:
  • Describe the characteristics of intellectual disability and cognitive limitations in adult caregivers.
  • Recognize the challenges that parents with cognitive limitations face.
  • Understand strategies and techniques that Home Visitors can use to help families address their special needs.