Supporting Families in Crisis (MOD035)
Length: 3.0-3.5 hours
In your work as a home visitor, it is not uncommon to encounter families in crisis. And contrary to the once-held belief that very young children do not remember, and therefore experience no lasting effects from the crisis, young children are extremely vulnerable to its long-lasting consequences. During this training, you’ll examine what a crisis is, how it impacts the families you serve and explore ways to support families that have been affected by it. Family members may become overwhelmed, immobilized, scared, or unpredictable. However, they may also be open to new approaches to solving problems. With the right tools, a crisis may provide an opportunity for both you and the family to make significant, positive changes. While you frequently support families in crisis, you are not operating alone and should work with the other resources and agencies when helping families manage a crisis. MOD035
- Be more aware of a variety of difficult circumstances facing families served in home visiting
- Have an increased understanding of the impact of difficult circumstances on family functioning and child development
- Demonstrate general strategies to strengthen and improve interactions with families facing difficult circumstances
- Discuss specifics recommendations and strategies home visitors can utilize to help families confronting certain types of crises