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  3. Stress: Understanding and Managing Ours While Helping Families with Theirs (revised April 2020) MOD006

Stress: Understanding and Managing Ours While Helping Families with Theirs (revised April 2020) MOD006

Length: 2.5 - 3 hours
ETO: Parental Well Being and Stability

Home visitors need knowledge and resources concerning stress, a natural and normal occurrence in daily lives. Home visitors encounter families with very stressful lives and their own workloads are often at maximum level. A home visitor’s job is demanding and they need to be reminded of the importance of learning to cope with stressful situations. While stress cannot be eliminated, home visitors can learn to use skills to deal with it more effectively.
Home visitors are also working with families under stress. Many of them are families in poverty that experience a kind of persistent stress that makes family members especially vulnerable and leaves them feeling powerless. Home visitors need a broad range of knowledge and skills to meet a multitude of “stress” related needs. This session will explore resources and techniques to assist home visitors with managing their own stress while helping families with their stress related problems. Revised April 2020. MOD006


By the end of this training Home Visitors will be able to:
  • Define stress and identify common stressors
  • Expand awareness of skills that will encourage a more relaxed life style and prevent stress related illness
  • Identify ways home visitors can help families cope with stressors in life