Family Violence Prevention – Futures Without Violence
Length: 3 hours
ETO: Dynamics of Family Relationships
This training provides tools and resources to help home visitation staff address the complex and sometimes uncomfortable issue of domestic violence. When it comes to promoting health and safety outcomes for women and children impacted by domestic violence, what one says and how it is said—whether by direct assessment or through universal education—matters and can make a difference for women and children.
Home visitation professionals need education about the impact of violence on families and they also require tools to support them in their conversations about domestic violence. This training presents some simple tools to support home visitors that have been designed to facilitate safety planning and referrals to established domestic violence programs.
By the end of this training Home Visitors will be able to:
- Become more aware of the effects of domestic violence on women, children, and families
- Become more comfortable with identifying and addressing domestic violence and reproductive coercion with families
- Demonstrate competency in educating parents about how their childhood experiences of victimization can be triggered or re-experienced and where to
turn for help and support