Building Helping Relationships (MOD009)
Length: 2 - 3 hours
ETO: Methods and Approaches to Working with Parents
At the heart of home visiting is the relationship between the home visitor and the family. This relationship serves to provide a foundation for help that will be offered. Through this relationship the home visitor can provide the family with support, information, and encouragement. The importance of the helping relationship has been supported in research.
This training is designed to provide information to aid home visitors in their capacity to help others. Since helping skills are something that must be applied and practiced, activities are included to allow opportunities to try out the concepts. MOD009
By the end of this training Home Visitors will be able to:
- Describe how to prepare for a first visit with parents/families
- Correctly define empathy, respect, and genuineness and describe their role in the helping relationship
- Identify strategies for active listening
- Explain techniques for building rapport with parents and families