SafeCare Arkansas
SafeCare Arkansas is a health and well-being program for maltreated children that has been developed through Arkansas Children’s Home Visiting Network in partnership with the Arkansas Department of Human Services Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS). The purpose of SafeCare Arkansas is to improve risk and safety assessment and management as well as increase services in order to protect children in their homes and prevent their entry into foster care.
What Does SafeCare Do?
SafeCare is a structured, evidence-based, and in-home parenting program that involves a provider and parent working together to create a safe home environment. The provider, also known as a home visitor, assists the parent in providing structure and routines, while encouraging systematic health decision-making to keep children safe while in their homes. Parents are provided with useful tools such as books, thermometers, childproof safety locks, and other learning materials to use in their natural family environment to keep children safe.
How It Works:
SafeCare providers work with parents in their homes for about 50-90 minutes up to 18 consecutive weeks in order to improve parenting skills in three major areas: parent-infant/child interactions, home safety, and child health care. Parent-infant/child interaction targets risk factors associated with neglect and physical abuse. Home safety targets risk factors for environmental neglect and unintentional injury. Child health care targets risk factors for medical neglect. Providers start with the area that targets the parents and/or the family’s greatest need.
Who Does SafeCare Work With?
Currently, SafeCare works with parents of children 5 years old or younger who are referred from the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Children and Family Services for allegations involving Garrett’s Law, medical neglect, failure to thrive, or Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
For More Information:

Kalilah Hardaway
SafeCare Arkansas State Manager
Phone: (501) 364-1234
Tanya Seward
SafeCare Arkansas Administrative Assistant
Phone: (501) 364-1284
Koren Young
SafeCare Arkansas Trainer
Phone: (501) 364-5467
Cindy Hurst
SafeCare Arkansas Trainer
Phone: (501) 364-2005