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HIPPY Educational Resources

If the HIPPY lessons have made your child excited about learning, here are some additional websites with tons of activities and information to continue to engage your child’s curious mind.

Reading and Literacy






Motor Skills

Gross Motor:

Fine Motor


General Education Resources:

  • National Center for Families Learning: Resources for helping families develop healthy habits, use technology safely, incorporate learning into daily routines, and more.
  • Hands-On As We Grow: This blog has resources for active toddlers and preschoolers that cover everything from motor skills to math to music and more.
  • Buggy and Buddy: Here you will find crafts and learning activities for children that foster creativity, learning, and fun!
  • Coffee Cups and Crayons: This blog contains a wide array of learning activities that focus on developing academic skills as well as creativity and social-emotional skills.