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  3. Family Map Training

Identifying family strengths and needs is a critical step in improving outcomes for children. The Family Map is a new assessment tool designed to be used as an interview with parents to assist early childcare programs in providing needed support resources to children from birth to age 5. This tool also provides a foundation for the development of a productive teacher-parent partnership.

Deadline to register: April 16th

To register, email completed registration information to Sally Fitts: ssfitts@uams.edu 

  • Location:  
Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging, RM 1180

UAMS Campus, Little Rock

(map & parking instructions will be included in confirmation of registration)
  • Lunch will be provided
External ID: 7394265
Release Date: 03-Mar-2014
Expiry Date: 01-Jan-9999
Template ID:
Enabled: Y
EntityId: -1
Country of domain purchase is made from:
Start Date: 23-Apr-2014
End Date: 23-Apr-2014
Nice Date: 23-Apr-2014
Event Subtitle: Required & Funded for MIECHV Home Visitors
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Program Link: http://familymedicine.uams.edu/FamilyMap/Training