Arkansas Home Visiting Network
The Arkansas Home Visiting Network (AHVN) delivers family support programs often referred to as “home visiting” because they take place in the homes of vulnerable families. These voluntary programs match participants with trained providers from their own communities, such as nurses or parent educators, to help motivated parents learn better skills to be successful in their parenting. These programs have proven to be a sound strategy for strengthening families and aiding in child development. Our goal at the AHVN is to build stronger families and brighter futures for the children and communities of Arkansas.
Enroll a Child in a Home Visiting Program:
Select a program and/or county to locate a site near you. If you’d like to see all of the sites in a particular county, do not select a program name. Every effort is made to ensure accurate results, and content is updated quarterly.

About the Network

Training Institute

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Arlkansas Home Visiting Network is an informative and user-friendly resource for home visiting staff filled with best practices and useful advice!

Why Home Visiting?
Because children don’t arrive with instruction manuals, participating parents are those who lack the extended family support, experience, and knowledge of basic parenting skills that are critical to success during pregnancy and through the first few years of a child’s life. Through regular visits to the homes of young or expectant families by educators, nurses or social workers, AHVN gives greater opportunities for long-term success. Decades of research shows that these programs work and ultimately save money for taxpayers. When quality programs are implemented, they lead to reduced health care costs, reduced need for remedial education, and increased family self-sufficiency.

For Home Visitors
To help home visitors deal more effectively with issues that might fall outside of their training and to improve outcomes for home visiting programs, we offer the Arkansas Home Visiting Network Training Institute. Our online, virtual-blended, and instructor-led professional development sessions allow home visitors from all models to increase their skills and network with other home visitors from different programs.

Building a Knowledge Base
To collect and maintain information on the impact and importance of home visiting in communities, the AHVN takes a rigorous approach to evaluation and actively disseminates work that supports the broader home visiting field. The AHVN team frequently shares and publishes information in scholarly presentations and journals, and has been highlighted nationally at meetings and summits. The AHVN remains committed to continuing our important research agenda while supporting program staff as they use evaluation tools and data systems.